
Book 8. Audacious Ideas


Book 8. Audacious Ideas

If anyone was wondering about M-System 16. Angelverses, this is the book.

We see it above, M-System 16. ‘Angelverses,’ which are (in essence) all the companies in the world that are not in the S-World Network. ‘The Angelverse Economic Operating System’ is now summarised in Book 2. Part 2. A More Creative Capitalism’ and Book 3. ‘The GDP Game.’

The point is there is room for every business.

But not at first…

First, we have ‘The Butterfly’ which was first created in 2013 as American Butterfly Book 4. Below, we see the most updated version as of 26th April 2018, a full 7 years since the project was started.

Top left, we find the Villa Secrets first pick partners from vacation rentals to the development of the Lake Malawi Grand Network.

Bottom left, we see the universities of the professors in physics and economics who have been referenced.

And on the right, we find mostly the philanthropic technology heavyweights and the CEOs of same who have influenced proceedings thus far.

In particular, our first picks are Mark Zuckerberg specializing on S-World VSN™, Elon Musk specializing on S-World UCS™, and Bill Gates specializing on S-World TBS™ with Sir Richard Branson and Paul G Allen taking a supporting role in all 3 projects; and everyone getting a little or a lot involved in Villa Secrets and other ‘virtual’ companies such as ‘S-World Fly’s.’

Note on the Obama Foundation. President Obama, we love your work and you have your own theory: ‘Obama Theory’; which is to take the 3 ‘Audacious Software Projects’ and add S-World Film, then apply ‘Give Half Back’ twice (so investors only receive 25% of profit) with 50% going to the next 4 ‘Audacious Projects’: S-World Water, S-World Power, S-World Food, and S-World Healthcare.

Which will be the subject of Angel Theory Volume 2 and 3 and are again another Paradigm Shift in each of their respective fields; and in particular, S-World Water – Special Project 11. African Rain, as we literally plan to terraform the Sahara back to its previous pre-Roman state of fertility via a mass solar desalination project. (See all Special Projects) (See how we fund all Special Projects).

One last thing on S-World Economics (or New-Network Economics), when the dust settles, the most expensive of projects are the most desirable (as they are the most sustainable). Special Projects like African Rain and Universal Colonization will keep the world busy in a world of robots and low employment.

Now, academics go prove ŔÉŚ, and philanthropists will give me the team to take the software to the next level, and everything in this volume is well within reach.

By Nick Ray Ball 27th April 2018