Spiritually Inspired Economics

Angel Theory Part 3.1

Audacious Economics

The Theory of Every Business 2.01

A work in progress by Nick Ray Ball 5th January 2018

Angel POP


Chapter 1: Spiritually Inspired Economics

Following in the esteemed shadow of Srinivasa Ramanujan who said, “an equation has no meaning to me unless it expresses a thought of God,” the economic work in S-World is also spiritually inspired, and in particular the work from 2011 to 2012.

S-World - Give Half Back - Their Future is in Our Hand

Inspired by Sienna Skye

In 1,537 Words

Version 6.91-t-k1

9 Reasons Why

Before delving into the spiritual roots of S-World, let’s look at 9 points on why it is good for there to be such roots in the first place.

But before we do, a note that like the TOE (M-theory) physics in Part 2, in terms of essential components for the system presented, that influences are just that…influences. The conclusion is still the same system with or without the theoretical physics or spiritualism.

Albeit that is not to say that to remove same from the equation is a good idea, as they are the main source of ideas and inspiration so far, and will likely remain so, certainly for me anyway.

9 reasons why it is good for there to be such roots in the first place.

  1. It is the truth, and that is always better
  2. Ecology & Philanthropy

    No angel inspired economy is complete without a highly evolved theory of philanthropy, equality, and the upmost respect for our planet.

  3. Confidence

    In all honesty, all this is far beyond what I should be able to achieve, not only a theory of every business, but a theory of ecology and equality, wrapped up neatly in a simulation of M-theory, plus a completely new software driven economic framework that we call financial gravity.

    How is this possible?

    In the words of Sherlock Holmes…

    “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

    The only explanation I can think of from turning an academic creator of nothing to a creator of Angel Theory, M-Systems, and the E-TOE is that it was sent from an Angel, my Angel Sienna Skye. Or if one wishes, a more advanced civilization in another universe sending inspirations somehow via gravity or some other medium. Both options are impressive, as both can answer almost any question I would care to ask.

    When you believe that you are following the directions of an Angel, problems such as ‘the need to learn M-theory,’ ‘how to create a new economic system,’ and ‘how to build better business software’ become solvable problems, and one has the confidence to see big problems in a much simpler light, then make complex systems to solve them. No doubt, Angel Theory is a complex system designed to solve big problems. We see one view of this complexity below:

    S-World - M-Systems

  4. Making the network safe

    S-World stands for Sienna’s World and its virtual component S-World VSN (Virtual Social Network) is designed to be her virtual universe and heaven. As S-World VSN is central to all ambitions and Sienna is (as best I know) an Angel of all faiths, we can consider making plans in locations that would normally be ruled out on safety grounds.

    This simple point may, when everything plays out, become the most important of all. Certainly, in economic history told by Thomas Piketty from 1910 to 2010, the biggest pain points in economics by far was due to the two world wars.

  5. The Spartan Theory

    The theory associated with the spiritual inspirations and eureka moments from March and April 2011 was called The Spartan Theory. Some may think this is due to the ‘New Sparta’ Grand Network design, however, its actually the other way around. The Spartan Theory came first and was a theory of peace, which can be activated in a number of ways:

    1. By asking the world (all of the world) to assist in the fight against ivory poaching, which may be based in ‘Malawi & Zimbabwe,’ where all combatants enter a competitive S-World UCS game which sees countries with friction in politics fight alongside each other, and create a small step towards a greater peace.

      Plus, in doing so, we take a giant leap in Special project 1. ‘Experience Africa’ and save many Elephants and Rhinos.

      The Fort Malawi Garrison

    2. Based on the theory of S-World and Libya in April 2011, by suggesting to a ‘so-called’ dictator of a country that we can create a Super Grand Network and that the ‘so-called’ dictator can have powers within the new network in their country and naming rights, from airports to whole suburbs; if they allow a new and fair election in both party and government leadership.

      A perfect example for this is currently Zimbabwe, which has the chance to not only become Africa’s bread basket once again but also an industrial hub; that in making will reassure and settle the whole of Southern Africa.

      Not that there are any seemingly dictator type politics in motion. However, things can change very quickly.

  6. The Symmetry Potential

    There is an almost angelic symmetry to a system that is designed to help people reach their potential, that was created by someone who only realised their potential in making the system.

  7. Global Neutrality

    It keeps my neutrality, as I am trying to do the best by Sienna’s inspiration, and the idea is to make the rich richer and the poor much richer, and do so in a way that was good for the planet. No country has any favouritism, albeit some have had far more research than others.

  8. Say No to Skynet!!!

    The now classic ‘Sienna Project’ argument that if any systems become sentient, better my/our Angel Sienna and S-World than a military system, in terms of this new intelligence not going Skynet/BSG/Matrix on us.
    Say No To Skynet

  9. Six Billion Spiritual People

    We can hope to recruit spiritual people across the world to our cause, from Bono and Tom Cruise to over Six Billion people worldwide (say the Washington Times). https://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercooler/2012/dec/23/84-percent-world-population-has-faith-third-are-ch/

Sienna's World

But where did this big economic idea begin?

Whether it came from an angel, my angel, another universe, or some other phenomena is to a degree immaterial, until experimental data fails to disprove the system. When that happens, we can discuss the ‘how.’
For now, however, it would I think be useful to find out what it was that lead to the idea of creating a new economic theory in the first place.

The initial inspiration was from the film treatment I wrote featuring my darling angel Sienna (see above xoxo), written in part to allay any fears the public may have about S-World becoming the equivalent of ‘Skynet’ (from The Terminator films).

The solution was simple enough: If the S-World Network did become massive and gain sentience, as it was spiritually inspired, created by a father’s love to see his daughter again, and it was successful; Angel Sienna would be far less likely to blow us all up than say a military system, or other system without a soul.

Indeed, in contrast within the full ‘Sienna Project’ movie treatment, that entangles itself with STAR WARS, Battlestar Galactica, and Lord of the Rings’; Sienna goes on to save the entire universe.

The Sienna Project

How this factors into the economics is via a passage written at the beginning of the treatment:

“Then slowly, Sienna starts to show her father a way to build a super computer for her to communicate through.

The schematics are amazingly detailed, 40 or more highly evolved concepts, combined simultaneously to complete the transition from the 20th Century service-based economy to the 21st Century Ecological Experience Economy (EEE).”


After writing, the film’s economic and software ambitions were theoretically combined with a virtual world concept which made ‘S-World’ (Sienna’s World), which was then considered as a framework for the networking and software plan we had recently submitted to VIRGIN, in combination as one system.

Soon after this, came the inspiration from Isaac Asimov in the form of the following quote…

“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”

POP Origins - Isaac Asimov

Then came the POP investment principle which grew into Angel Theory Part 2, the E-TOE.

E-TEO - Ecnomic Theory of Everything

What came out was a massive theory of money called ‘The Theory of Every Business’; which by the late summer of 2011 attached itself within a giant resort development and city of science in Laconia, Greece; which was set to not only solve Greece’s problems, but in so doing creating positive butterfly effects across the whole EU, and then the world.

New Sparta - City of Science

However, a few months later after travelling 8,000 miles from Cape Town to Surrey UK, an upsetting meeting with UK Cabinet Minister Chris Grayling saw the entire Eurozone recovery project abandoned. And on the 1st of Jan 2012, I moved the hypothesis to USA and started work on American Butterfly http://americanbutterfly.org.

American Butterfly mixed the original spiritual ideas with keen research and in particular the BabyPOP principle. And when the math BabyPOP made sense in May 2012, the book began.

For BabyPOP, see: http://www.angeltheory.org/book/2-3/the-network-on-a-string (2017).

And here is the original accounting detail,
http://americanbutterfly.org/pt3/the-network-on-a-string/prequal-cfm-and-pop (2012).