
Book 6. S-World Films


S-World Films is a combination of three different S-World divisions: ‘The Famous Concierge,’ ‘Little Hollywood,’ and ‘S-World Films.’

The Famous Concierge

In Book 4. Part 2. S-World Villa Secrets, we told of ‘The Famous Concierge,’ which will receive between 6.125% and 12.5% of every commission made from renting or booking other travel. In exchange, ‘The Famous Concierge,’ will delight clients and when not busy; will shoot, film the accommodations and local surrounding, creating unparalleled visual experiences for the hundreds of websites; and in general, making broadcast quality productions, from travel shows to pilots for their own film and series ideas.

This achieves three objectives; as a separate company, the company will be owner-led and that really matters; the personnel will all be almost exclusively recruited from the film and stills industries; and (in general) will either be someone with great potential, or someone who is already ‘locally famous.’ Upcoming or famous models and actors are always peoples’ people and always know where it’s at, from exclusive villa parties to awesome hiking, to teaching clients to surf or kite surf; safe in the knowledge that (in the case of Cape Town) they know which surf spots get the occasional Great White. As whilst it’s fine from those crazy Cape Town kids to surf with the whites, it’s not at all recommended for clients.

S-World Film & Concierge

When it comes to filming, of course, we want every property, hotel and local attraction turned into a sub three-minute video for the websites; YouTube, social media etc. But we also want to create broadcast quality production, in fact, this is an essential part of the recruiting process as we would get a much bigger pool of talent if they all knew that this job could become their big break.

And further on this point, is that we would also use S-World Famous Concierge companies across the world as the casting for bigger S-World projects such as ‘Angel City 5’ which we will discuss soon. And further, still the team can develop their own ideas for S-World Film to consider as worthy of production.

Little Hollywood

We are a few years or more away from creating the first ‘Little Hollywood’ suburb within a Grand Network. But at some point (in the future), this is the idea…

Little Hollywood

Little Hollywood was first detailed in 2012 within Chapter 4 of The Theory of Every Business. ‘The Locations Butterfly,’ which presented 16 features that would increase the desirability and so price of real estate within a location.

The general idea is that on large developments (Grand Networks), a part of the development would be dedicated to film production, studios of course, and some outdoor locations; but also within the area will be properties and shops, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, maybe even a mall or marina; all of which becomes film locations when needed.

To some, this will be an inconvenience; so, they can choose to live elsewhere and can visit if they wish. But for those that live in ‘Little Hollywood,’ it’s going to be a lot of fun, an inspirational location from which to write and produce great films and other broadcast materials.

Little-Hollywood (S-World Films)

S-World Films

Lead to Sienna Projects, explain that it’s a foundation for a writer or writer to elaborate on, Ready Player One gut to George Gresham, who can make a story from any part from Angel Theory,

Theoretically, S-World Films stands to make a fortune as it shares in the income from all of s-World TBS™, UCS™ and VSN™. And with this fortune, it will not only make films, it becomes the loss leader PR and Advertising vehicle for the entire network; when suitably rich, buying into record companies, media, news, broadcasting, and any other company that will benefit the network.

However, initially, we seek to make films about what we are doing; product placement taken to the next level. And products are not only featured in the movies, the movies are written around the products and ideas from any part of S-World. In an ideal world, I could nudge John Grisham into writing a book/screenplay about some part of the network from a legal conspiracy type movie, and Ernest Cline would write a story based around S-World VSN ™.

Why would such authors do this? Well mainly, I hope as they realised they were doing something that was going to do a lot of good after first, reading M-System 2. Ripple Effects & Elephants; and second, having been told by someone they would trust that this is all rand assessed by experts to be achievable as told.

This same argument is true for film and music stars. Other than the photography, I don’t claim to know much about movie production. But I am almost certain that if a big-name star agrees to a good script, then it’s likely that the movie will get made.

Like the Mag-7 S-World team described in Book 8, I have chosen my top 4 stars based on their contributions to philanthropy and / or the environment. But in this case, I also opened up a space for spirituality as there is a hefty dose of spirituality in the first script I wrote myself, which we will come to shortly. I will, however, not present my list now, as it does not seem appropriate to do so unless they agree.

Film or Series ideas

Production 1. Fort Malawi

The Fort Malawi Garrison

I think we need to make much more of an effort to highlight the ivory trade, with locations in Africa and the Far East. The Fort Malawi Garrison is ‘Ripple Effects and Elephants.’ Special Project 15b’; in which after creating a base in Malawi, an international military, police, and ranger force of many nations fights the ivory poachers and wins the battle and also makes friendships between nations who do not currently get along. Malawi would be the base, but the action would be in many locations, on the frontlines in Tanzania and Kenya, and also a sub plot needs to be going on in the Far East where the ivory usually ends up.

This film and/or series should be shot in English, Chinese, and any other country where ivory is popular. It should depict the governments in good light and their ‘military contribution’ (special forces, jets, agents) should be the heroes; and an evil corporation and/or criminal organization would need to be bested in a tense thriller.

This gives the Chinese and other governments more power to make the sale of new ivory illegal, or at the least make it less popular lessening the ever-increasing demand.

Another focus point could be the currently friendly North Korea troops and agents teaming up with the US Special Forces and becoming friends as they battle against the poachers on the frontlines.

Lastly, in terms of product placement, the entire African operation would be directed via S-World UCS™ which gamifies the action. So, a rhino or elephant lost would loose points for the team protecting them, and a new birth gains points. Points are also awarded for capturing poachers, but points are lost for poachers lost. Non-lethal force should only be used, unless the opposing force is hell bent on killing them and is well armed.

The second product placement is Special Project 15b. ‘The Malawi Garrison,’ as we plan to create this alliance in real life, so long as no one can give a good reason why not.

Given a significant budget, I would like to see many films and series made along the general theme of stopping the poachers; as this battle in real life is as much in the hearts and minds of the consumer, that the actual poachers (who often are just poor people manipulated into it, who make no real money), the bad guys are the gangs behind the poachers.

Ideally, every special project should have its own productions.

Production 2. Angel City 5


In July 2017, I started a film treatment called ‘Angel City 5’ to highlight the importance of M-System 14. ‘Angel Cities,’ which was initially written as the concluding part to Book 1. M-Systems, M-Systems & Angel City 5.

S-World-M-Systems (An Economic Theory of Everything)

The idea (that I am very sad not to have had the opportunity to debate with Professor Hawking) is that S-World UCS™ ‘Universal Colonization Simulator’ (Book 7) is a time machine, just different to what we had originally expected from such a device.

To eliminate paradoxes, and to explain why ‘if time travel were possible, why we did not see an abundance of time traveling tourists,’ Hawking made the argument:

‘If one does have a time machine, one could not go back in time before the time machine was created.’


I had hoped to convince Stephen of the merits of M-Systems 13. S-World UCS™ Voyager and M-System 14. Angel Cities; that (in principle) if created per the design including all the peripherals (the other 7 books), that we were effectively building a time machine.

How on earth is S-World UCS a time machine? I hear people ask.

For that jump, we need to move to Book 1. M-Systems and Chapter 3. The S-World UCS M-Systems (or if you can’t access this private link, you can on see it at Angel City 5 Movie Framework).

The time travel component is clearly illustrated in M-System 13. S-World UCS™ Voyagers and M-System 14. Angel Cities. Put simply, we create the future backwards from 2080 back to the present, and make sure we include all the things we want to happen in the design. This idea was founded in the summer of 2011 via a quote from Isaac Asimov that helped to define the network as a force for good.


“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”

The logic is this, if by using S-World UCS™ the future is changed significantly, it’s a time machine! And that once the future is changed, looking back, so will our history change. Time travel from the school of quantum mechanics and Richard Feynman’s sum over histories.

The movie focuses on the importance of M-System 14. Angel Cities, which begins in Angel City 5 in 2080, and work backwards through 2048, 2032, 2024, 2020 to create the optimum path for us to follow back in our time.

Angel City 5 is a Theory of Everything movie framework that focuses on two parallel worlds; a heavenly Earth per Angel Theory design in 2080, and a hellish dystopia without. Using future technology, adventurers send an idea back in time to create S-World UCS, and then must find their way to Angel City 5.

The principle science we are using in this film is quantum mechanics, which theoretically states that there are many parallel universes.


In the movie, there are two 2080s. Film 1 is called Dystopia and presents a hellish future 2080 at the brink of destruction; where the main reason for this hell is the damage we created for our environment, and the population of Africa more than doubling without the equivalent increase in food and water, creating a billion economic refugees, which (in turn) creates hard borders across the world, and an increase in nationalism that has brought the world close to nuclear war.

We may or may not add to this that quantum computing has been invented which paved the way for fusion, after which software gained consciousness. Probably not as that is the foundation for the ‘S-World the Movie,’ up next.

One thing that we shall include is an S-World VSN™ submerged reality which is how the heroes managed to send ‘the tiny piece of quantum data’ back in time.

‘Using virtual technology, adventurers send an idea back in time to 2012 to create S-World UCS.’


In general, the rule for film science fiction plots is, we can do what we want as long as it has some chaos or M-theory related hypothesis that has not been proved impossible.

For example, the following piece of chaos theory from Professor Michio Kaku.

The Butterfly Effect & Time Travel

“Even the tiniest disturbance into the past may cause unexpected paradoxes in the present. Chaos theory, for example, uses the metaphor of ‘the butterfly effect.’ At critical times in the formation of earth’s weather, even the fluttering of the wings’ of a butterfly send ripples that can tip and set off a powerful storm. And even the smallest inanimate objects sent back into the past will eventually change it in an unpredictable way.”


By Michio Kaku

Part 2. A Better Way

Film 2 goes back in time and witnesses down on his luck web developer Peter Horse, who receives the quantum data (in some way yet to be considered) and proceeds to create the S-World systems designed to change our future to a better way.

Angel City5 - Part2

Asides from creating the UCS™ time machine and the popularization of S-World UCS™ and VSN™, the rest of the script for Part 2 is left for the screenwriters to fill in.

Technical plot…

A Tiny Piece of Quantum Data

Below, on the right, we see the tiny piece of quantum data that our heroes send back in time to Peter Horse; which allows scientists to consider not only the ‘How’ of a theory of everything but also the ‘Why,’ and what we should do with the mass of knowledge we already have along similar lines.

The quantum data starts with a simple consideration of ‘the butterfly effect,’ which then entangles itself with key components of M-theory, The Theory of Everything.

For readers who do not know the physics, just think of this as ‘the butterfly effect,’ and a system built upon the probability of ripple effects in reverse (staring at 2080 back to our time).

Angel City 5 - Part 2 (Quatnum Data)

Another key factor, should he wish to participate, is that S-World VSN™ the Virtual Network was created per the current specification which suggests M-System 10. ‘QuESC’ the system core is entangled with a simulated universe per the supersymmetric M-theory compatible browser code found by Professor James Gate, seen below chuckling with President Obama


One place where I see this code is in the visor for the virtual world and that either…

1. When using submerged reality (Virtual Reality within a dream state), fragments of dreams can travel through time, as dreams and in general consciousness are still a mystery in science.


2. This supersymmetric browser code (note that supersymmetry is the multiple universe component of M-theory) allows advanced civilizations in other universes to (in some way) communicate with us, or at least see into our universe. Possibly via gravity, which in string theory (the other pillar of M-theory) is said to be able to move from one multiverse to the next, albeit there is no proof of this so far.

Part 3. Angel City 5

Part 3 shows the wonderful future world we can create per Angel City 5 directions.

Angel-City5 - Part3

A good place to look for all the different wonders that get developed in this time is in the breakthrough chapter ‘Ripple Effects and Elephants for Paul G Allen’ (M-System 2).

Angel City-5 - Part-3

Exactly how our adventurous from the Dystopia future to the Angel City 5 future I’m not sure of, it may end up that they can’t and they only change the future for us, and perish in a fiery blaze at the end of the film one, as Felicity Jones and Diego Luna did in at the end of Star Wars Rogue 1. Or maybe we can find a way to transfer them, maybe into the Virtual World in a method similar to the Battle Star Galactica prequal Caparia, where they are alive in the Virtual World. S-World VSN™, this ending being preferred as it product places S-World VSN™ al well as S-World UCS™ within the film, which is kind of the point of making the films in the first place.