From The M$B”N(BBst to the Ast$B”N(BBst in 9 dimensions

Angel Theory pt1

M-Systems 4.16

From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 Dimensions

From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 Dimensions

By Nick Ray Ball 21st to 30th May 2016


From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 dimensions

B-Greene-Hawking Dimensions

By Nick Ray Ball 31st May 2016
M-Systems 0, 2, 5, 9, 15, 16

Pythagoras 1st theory of strings
Extract from Professor Hawking’s ‘The Grand Design’ Chapter 2, pt.

According to legend, the first mathematical formulation of what we might today call a law of nature dates back to an Ionian named Pythagoras (circa 580 to 490 BC.) Pythagoras is said to have discovered the numerical relationship between the length of the strings used in musical instruments, and the harmonic combinations of the sounds. In today’s language, we would describe that relationship, by saying that the-frequency-the number of vibrations per second -of a string vibrating under fixed tension is inversely proportional to the length of the string. From the practice point of view, this explains why shorter guitar strings are at a higher pitch than longer ones.

There is evidence that there is some relation between string length and pitch was known in his day. If so, one could call that simple mathematical formula the first instance of what we now know as theoretical physics.

Creating the network as sets of strings of businesses.

By Nick Ray Ball 21st May 2016

At the quantum end of our journey we start with just 1 company ‘Cape Town Luxury’ (CTLV), which specialises in the hire of luxury villas. CTLV will be joined at first by 7 similar but not directly competing companies to create an open string of 8 companies within the industries: real estate & travel in a specific location, in this case Cape Town in South Africa.

Each company in the string is chosen. Not only on individual ability but also on the positive effects it would create for the other companies in the string. We have a simple equation for this Ast⇔Bst. Which becomes part of a set of rules for a software program called the ‘PQS’ (Predictive Quantum Software) (M-Systems)

Key in this equation (Ast⇔Bst) is the ‘⇔‘ the iteration, the various feedback loops, ripple effects & Butterfly Effects which create new profit centres for each company just by participation of the other companies in the string.

In the case of our prototype Cape Town Luxury Villas (CTLV), the other companies in the string will create 31 different profit centres or actions. These different points are measured as having a force of 1 to 4 depending on the measure of the effect.

The resulting benefit to CTLV from the other companies we desire in the first string is ’53.’


The other letters are the other companies in the string and the points of increased profitability made for each from the rest.

Originally, in The Theory of Every Business this effect was championed throughout the book as the creation of circular events presented as ‘Butterflies.’

I hope one grasps the point. A lot of consideration is put into creating strings of companies that benefit from the other members of the string. Strings of business are economically superior to collections of individual business.

In addition to the open string, comes benefits from the non-profit marketing and development of closed strings, which apply the Susskind Boost I78⇔J61⇔K34 Villa Secrets, Experience Africa & ‘Lx.’

I, J and K are closed strings, non-profit industry specific companies that apply boost to strings.
Similar to the Higgs Field (that gives mass to particles) but as well as giving they receive. In fact, they receive a lot 25% of gross profit.

‘L’ is the soon to be registered charity ‘The Sienna Foundation.’ This is best described in physics & M-Theory as a membrane (a universe). We desire other philanthropist such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson, Hani Farsi and ‘the Mandela’s’ to create other brains that fit within the Bulk (multiverse).

The most developed closed string is Villa Secrets, unless it is laying the foundation for a new string, Villa Secrets and other closed strings do not buy or sell anything. They exist only to boost the open strings and to lay a tent over them so no business can ever fail. Smoothing out the quantum behaviour of individual business, turning them into strings of predictability.

From this starting point, a number of factors combine to create a final result. Two critically important components are The Susskind Boost & the Amanda Stretch, (Peet tent) inspired by the teachings of Professors Amanda Peet and Leonard Susskind.

The M & B String (M⇔Bst)

By Nick Ray Ball 23rd May 2016

The M⇔Bst (pronounced ‘the m and b string’) was first considered in the 2nd American Butterfly book, which had a number of working titles… ‘Spiritually Inspired Software’ , ‘Super String Economics’ or ‘Quantum Economics,’ according to taste…
It then became a prominent part of part 3 ‘The Network on a String’ as a part of a Supersymmetry concept. That ended up becoming the bridge back from the physics of 2011 to 2013 into the businesses plan of 2015.

It all started very simply. The M⇔Bst was a simple and natural equation that allowed us to consider the effects of a ‘POP overflow’ string of companies, on the new string it would develop, and vice versa.

In much of nature and humanity, initially one has a mother who has a baby. And at first the baby is completely reliant on the mother. But as time passes we the ‘⇔’ iteration (feedback loops) (ripple effects) (circular events) (Butterfly Effects) that create a symbiotic relationship, where both mother and baby benefit from the relationship. And then in later life the baby will often look after the mother.

Then after the Bst was the extended family that also created mutually beneficial iteration (feedback loops) (ripple effects) (circular events) (Butterfly effects).

This was the ‘secret source’ behind American Butterfly: ‘Theory of Every Business,’ which when combined with POP and Baby created the grand network design.

POP. The Pressure of Profit

POP is quite complex and is explained in detail in a later chapter. For now, just consider that each set of 8 companies that make a string (or tier 1 network) which has a point of gross profit. Where after all additional profit is invested into the creation of a new string (tier 1 network). And when that string reaches its profit point, the profit of both parent and baby equally pour into a 3rd string. And over time, in fact at the macro level in no time at all, tens then hundreds of strings will be pouring all additional profit into a new string that will be created ten then a hundred times faster. Creating what looks like ‘high string coupling in M-Theory.’

But this effect is for a later chapter. For now, just consider that on mass it creates a global financial framework of predictable amounts of gross profit, which when created in a hologram looks a lot like Newtonian space. And with some modification general relativity.

Whilst I fort created the M⇔Bst, in 2013 it would take 2 more years before it evolved as a practice system as after not receiving accreditation for American Butterfly book 3 ‘The Network on a String,’ I created a 4th book ‘The Butterfly’ based on a SWOT analysis, which showed the lack of a working prototype was a great weakness. So, in the spring of 2013 my work changed towards focusing on creating the web framework, and income generating prototypes, and for close to two years the macroeconomic theoretical side of S-World was not worked on, in place was a reverse engineered microeconomic network.

However, the way the microeconomic network was created was in a way that fitted with American Butterfly. And when in the summer of 2015 the work of American Butterfly was added to S-World Villa Secrets, theatrical physics once again became a part of the business plan.

There were a variety of considerations and in particular the transformation from the M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst

Which is just the same, except we are plotting the ‘⇔’ iteration (feedback loops) (circular events) (ripple effects) (Butterfly Effects) between two or more companies in a string. And in plotting this, it solved what was a huge problem in the business plan.

The problem with the business plan was we had only one successful prototype in the niche ‘luxury villa rental in Cape Town.’ And whilst given the financials and supporting data was worth about $200,000, the fact that we were creating another 7 versions made potential purchasers worry which is to be expected. Normally if one sells a business, one signs a restraint of trade clause so the previous owner does not create a competing business. But in the S-World model, the previous owner (me) was openly saying I was creating 7 more businesses in the niche of luxury + real estate &/ or travel.

At first following the lessons learnt in chapter 2 of American Butterfly: ‘The Suppliers Butterfly,’ in which I created different sub categories where there was enough room in the string for all companies to have specific and different main profit centres.

So, we had the following:

  1. A Villa Rental company
  2. An Architect
  3. A Villa Hotel
  4. An Apartment Specialist
  5. A Safari Specialist
  6. A Real Estate Agent
  7. An International Villa Rental company
  8. And 8 was a loss leader PR company

This list is still much the same. Except now to make the general relativity within the sting more obvious, I am considering exchanging the loss leader PR company for a big brand, such as Virgin.

Then on a spreadsheet I plotted all the advantages that each company creates for the other.

For CTLV, there were 31 different profit centres or actions. These different points are measured as having a force of 1 to 4 depending on the measure of the effect.

The resulting benefit to CTLV from the other companies we desire in the first string is ’53.’
So, we add 53 to the equation and also calculate all the advantages of all the companies on each other. And added advantage made from the from the nonprofit marketing and development closed strings, Villa Secrets (I), Experience Africa (J) Plus a new company considered for a different string/1st tier network ‘Lx. (K) and the parent charity ‘The Sienna Foundation.’



Whilst this looks complicated, when I wrote down the 31 specific reasons why CTLV would do better as part of a string of companies, which I hoped would it made it clear to any prospective investor that it was best to invest in CTLV as a part of the network.

Soon after when working out the Susskind Boost, I applied the benefits of the companies in the string as one of the sources of boost and the benefits of companies in other strings as another source of boost.

And that was the basic principle, calculating the ripple effects calmed investors, and at the same time highlighted opportunities. It also showed which companies were of the most benefit to the network, indeed due to the low score of creating ‘Lx.’ This project was placed on hold.

However during a walk earlier today, and the 3rd or 4th listen to Stephen Hawking’s description of string theory and its dimensions in – Chapter 5 of The Grand Design audiobook, I had a new inspiration.

Preciously back in 2012 Professor Brian Greene introduced the concept of curled up small dimensions. This point has been well made by Brian Greene in his The Elegant Universe documentaries and other presentations.

In which Professor Greene looks at a telegraph wire from about 100 meters away, on which there is an ant. We can only see the wire in one dimension, as a straight line. Then a zoom in on the ant shows that for the ant, it has 2 dimensions, forwards and back along the straight line, and round the wire.

It’s odd that I did not understand this at the time. And so, it’s likely not everyone reading will understand. I had not really seen the picture, as it was possible for the ant to be on the opposite side of the wire and so it could not be seen at all.

However, swop the ant for a football that is stitched to the wire and it’s easier to follow. We can see the big football and we can from 100m out give a very good idea how far along it is on the wire. But we cannot see exactly which part of the curve of the wire it is attached to.

Now, it makes perfect sense. When seen from a great distance, curved dimensions or a curved dimension has a value that can be measured but not seen from a distance.

Let’s hear how Hawking describes the above in chapter 5 of The Grand Design.

According to string theory, particles are not points but patterns of vibration that have length but no height or width, like infinitely thin pieces of string which are consistent only if space-time has 10 dimensions.

If they are present why don’t we notice these extra dimensions? According to string theory they are curved up into a space of very small size. To picture this, imagine a 2 dimensions’ plane, (we call the plain 2 dimensional because you need 2 numbers, for instance horizontal and vertical coordinates, to locate any point on it.)

Another two-dimensional space is the surface of a straw. To locate a point on that space you need to know where along the straws length the point is and where along its circular dimension. But if the straw is very thin, you would get a very good approximate position employing only the coordinate that runs along the straw’s length, so you might ignore the circular dimension.

And if the straw was a million, million., million, million, millionth of an inch in diameter, you would not notice the extra dimension at all.

In string theory the extra dimensions have important physical significance.

After reading Hawking’s explanation for the third or fourth time, the penny dropped and I could see how there could be a dimension, i.e. a coordinate, that was so small that it could not be seen, which explained one of the dimensions. But how the other 5 worked was still a mystery until I applied the principle to the current growth model for the network and the values our first sting has from the other members of its string


First I considered that like the 6 extra dimensions of string theory, there was no way of actually seeing the links. But using quantum mechanics we could plot the probability of the overall effect of the string as a whole.

Consider in our first string A and C…

A is the villa rental company, which primarily rents villas. C is an architect that builds and so has a good network in place to recruit stock, to recruit villas to the network.

There is no contract that says of the villas that C mandates, 15% to 25% of the days booked a year will be rented by company A. But seeing as company A is the official rental company and of the string, it’s very likely that Company A will rent 15% to 25% of the nights rented.

This is just one of many examples, scoring 2 out of the 53 points of boost that company ‘A’ has from the rest of the string and the Susskind boost open string. Without a doubt one could use probability math inspired by quantum mechanics to give the 53 points of boost a variety of probabilities. However, for now, it’s not necessary as its clear that due to the string each company within is better off as a part of the string.

So, I considered these 53 points of the Susskind boost as similar to another dimension, as we can’t see any of the advantages, and there is no contract to them and there is no way to tell exactly which will affect which company and when. But there is a distinct effect, and one that can it terms of quantum probabilities be measured.

However, this only solved the mystery of 1 dimension. And at first I thought I could try to split the different parts of the 52 points of boost into 6 different categories. But then thought it should be 8, and then back to 6.

For a long time, I tried to avoid the need to follow the actual rules that applied to our universe. But since Hawking made the remark that by following nature we follow an economically compress system, with the benefit of billions of years of fine tuning, where ever possible I try to look for the answer that is in nature.

So with 6 or 8 different sub categories for the different parts of the 35 points of boost.

I thought as we are later looking for companies to create internal strings by having staff make their own sub business and by merging or buying out companies, as these two items were contractual, and so they could be like our current 3 dimensions as they can be clearly seen. So, 6 noncontractual sub categories and 2 or 3 contractual categories

And then the penny dropped again, I was forcing the model to mimic string theory, not letting string theory guide the model.

And one of my most happy thoughts…and that was… yes, we can apply the 51 points of noncontractual boost as a dimension. But for the next 5 dimensions we will look to do the exact same thing, but for the global network.

Let’s see the latest Villa Secrets growth model and note that the column below that starts with 1.00 is a multiplier based on various conditions, such as higher property prices, more properties, less prototypes etc.…


You can’t see it completely clearly as this is the business plan not the structure of POP. But you get the idea.

What you’re not seeing is the strings in different industries and the creation of the global cube.

Let’s go back to POP basics and the cube.


Cube one (a micro string) is the Villa Secrets Cape Town string. Cube 8 (standard string) is another 7 industries in the same location. Cube 64, spreads out further geographically and is 8 sets of state/county strings, and 512 is a country string.

The exact geographical names are not precise and just a guide. But by the time the cube is to the cubed power of 9
1 > 8 > 64 > 512 > 4,096 > 32,768 > 262,144 > 2,097,152 > 16,777,216 we see the global network.

In each case, we can create new Ast⇔Bst additions to the Susskind boost, if we go back to…



We are actually seeing the effects of all of the initial stage in the first Villa Secrets string. And then K is a company in a different string and J is from another string Experience Africa.

We have already accounted for 2 types of boost, the Susskind String from Ast⇔Bst being the effect of the different companies within a string and the effect of all the other strings. However, to be more precise we should treat every string like a different dimension and calculate the Ast⇔Bst

according to the different cubed groups

So A53 would be either

A d142 + d26+5+ d3? + d4? + d5? + d6? + d7? + d8? + d9?

A d142 + d25+ d3? + d4? + d56 + d6? + d7? + d8? + d9?

In the top string, we presume that both and Experience Africa are different companies within the cube of 8 Cape Town strings (a standard string). And in the bottom string we see that Experience Africa’s string has been founded in the 5th dimension in Tanzania or Botswana and not Cape Town, South Africa.

And so, we now have 9 different sectors that we can use to increase boost via the Ast⇔Bst method which is an improved model.

As for string theory, to a degree we have actually got the correct number of dimensions. The 6 smaller dimensions which can’t be seen, then the last 3 that are so big they can be seen. And contacts can probably be made because of analysing the country, continent, and global cubes.

So, that 8 dimensions of space and as always one of time, and the universal dimension above creating the 10th dimension on M-Theory. So, we are 1 dimension light.

Dear Professor hawking

Angel Theory pt.1

M-Systems V4.09

Transcribed by Nick Ray Ball 8th May to 22nd Nov 2016


Dear Professor Stephen Hawking,

This chapter started with a desire to better understand Gravity, I looked

Soon after considering POP as financial gravity, I gained an appetite for Space Time about General Relativity, so I ordered The Grand Design Audio Book.

M-Systems: 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Mostly taken from ‘The Grand Design’ 2010
By Professor Steven Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow

Other Influencers: Professor Dyson / Ed Witten / Mae Jemison / Kepler / Chen Ning Yang / Robert Mills/ Abdus Salam / Steven Weinberg / Jim Hartle / Bernard Carr / Albert Einstein / Ernst Strauss / Clinton Davisson / Lester Germer/ John Wheeler / Pythagoras/ Issacs Newton / Galileo

Dear Professor Hawking:

M-System: 16

08th May 2016

“A Theory of everything should be so simple that everyone could understand it.”

Professor Stephen Hawking

For 6 years now I worked on an economic version of the theory of everything, after being enchanted by the very name back in May 2011. The enchantment was not the normal wonderment, instead my enchantment was that ‘a theory of everything’ was a perfect way to describe by virtual network design S-World and the system ‘Give Half Back’ which collectively created so much good in the world, that the words ‘a theory of everything’ were well suited.

On the 2nd May 2011, I had a conversation with a learned gentleman ‘Anthony Rauba’ about the idea of predicting the future, after as I had posted a film treatment created called Galactica 2017 (an adaptation of ‘The Sienna Project’ which was the original inspiration for changing my virtual network design into an economic model) on the Battle Star Galactica Facebook page.

‘Anthony Rauba’ introduced to string theory, which I looked up and read that it was ‘a serious contender for the theory of everything.’ In addition ‘Anthony Rauba’ also presented me with a quote from Isaac Asimov

“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion, things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”

This quote became pivotal in my work, and is now manifested into M-System 14 Angel cities, and in particular Angel City 5 which is the concept of creating a perfect simulated future for our children’s, children’s in 2080 and working backwards creating many threads that can be followed forward to create such a paradise.

Soon after learning about the existence of string theory, I happened to consider Chaos Theory, as at the time there was a raging bull of a two-year-old causing chaos wherever she wished, so we called her Chaos.

I was enchanted by Chaos Theory and the problem it presented, in particular towards rounding errors causing chaos in long term forecasting. So I started an exercise in pure math, that really was just for the fun of it, I did not seriously to solve it, and even if I did, it was seemingly a very small win, in comparison to creating software that removed humans from the accounting process. (which was a signiant part of the S-World economic plan)

Here are 3 links that tell the story of the solution I created called POP (The Pressure of Profit Investment Principle): S-World 2011, The Network on a Sting 2012 & M-Systems 2015.

In brief, the POP solution is for each group or individual company to have a point of profit, where after, all additional profit goes into creating a new company. This creates solid blocks of profit that can be measured accurately. Each POP point to be a specific value, (say $1,000,000) where after the ‘buckets’ of profit would be counted within a cubed hierarchy, and so it would be very hard to create rounding errors in the first place. This was not a complete solution, but it was an improvement.

The penny dropped when I created the following graphic.


In making this graphic, I saw that as time went by the POP principle created new companies (or at the time big networks of companies, each occupying a large resort development) faster and faster, the more companies that contributed their profit over their POP point, the more profit was available to create new companies. Hence the name ‘The Pressure of profit’ (POP)

I saw this graphic as a kind of gift, a gift created by trying to create a less chaotic system, and whist it is in fact very simple it is also very powerful. I applied this system first to Greece and on paper the hypothesis solved their problems, and not long after I applied it to the USA, for which I needed to make an adaptation called Baby POP, that was not so strict. But again, on paper it worked. As soon as the math was correct I wrote a book called American Butterfly: ‘The Theory of Every Business.’

However as I got to the 7th chapter I was introduced to quantum mechanics via Garret Lisi’s TED talk, and the ‘Eureka’ bell sounded again. As the network was designed to be a virtual network (a project I had started in 2000) I could send a copy of the virtual network forward in time and businesses could do simulated business in the future, and chose weather or not to follow the simulated business in real time, following winning scenarios and avoiding less desirable results.

This opened the ‘physics influenced’ flood gates and I wrote two more American Butterfly books exploring different areas in theoretical physics. Book 2 ‘Spiritually Inspired software’ (also called quantum economics) and Book 3 ‘The Network on a String.’

At that time, I did not have it, I thought I did, but looking back three years, these books only made sense to myself and many of the points created were just exploratory. I did send a copy of ‘The Network on a String’ to Mrs Mobbs from DAMTP along with five bouquets of flowers, but I did not receive a reply.

At the time, this hurt, and those around me though I was bat crazy. And maybe I was. So, I created a new book called ‘The Butterfly’ that was in essence a big SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Within which the lack of a working prototype was considered a major weakness, so I applied myself to making the prototype and learning system architecture. And as it so happed, that was a good thing as in the years that followed I created a number of working prototypes and I am now competent at systems and software design.

However, in March 2016, I once again was dawn back to theoretical physics and in particular string theory, and I stared to reverse engineer the American Butterfly macroeconomic plan into a corresponding microeconomic plan for my real world company Villa Secrets. This started the process of creating a microeconomic system and finding the way to make the POP and Give Half Back principles work within what was essentially a franchise or licenced business agreement. One can see this work This was essential work, and it took quite some time to perfect a working business model, but by working hand in hand with the physics eventually a model was created that was liked by each would be S-World company/franchise owner. Which allowed for both POP and Give Half Back.

As I worked the system and re acquainted myself with my previous works, I started to look once again a POP, and I was helped along the way by a revising of the documentary ‘How small is the universe’ in which Professor Michel Green inspired M-System 2, the M&B String and Dr Giovanni Amelino-Camelia said.

‘When you’re stuck chasing a certain answer, you often discover that all it took to find the answer was to look at the same problem from a different angle.’

And it may also have been his words on space time as Cappuccino foam, but the result was instead of looking at POP as Chaos Theory, I instead considered it as general relativity, due in part to professor Brain Greene’s visual representation of gravity (both Newtonian and Eisenstein) a cubed state.

When this penny finally dropped and I looked at POP as general relativity, it became the missing part in my TOE model. I had string theory and quantum mechanics but until that point there was no general relativity. And in truth until that flash of inspiration I really had no idea what general relativity actually was.

By describing it as a part of what is really a business plan it all made sense. And significantly it would not take much to explain to everyone. If anyone was interested to learn that is, however as S-World is primarily a theory of money and philanthropy, which can be accurately described as ‘sent from the heavens.’ It has the potential to become universally popular.

Which brings us back to your quote

“A Theory of everything should be so simple that everyone could understand it.

I shall now do some research on works.

Retrospective Note

By Nick Ray Ball 14th Dec 2016

The research that followed was a God send, I soon found your audio book ‘The Grand Design’ and I listened to it on my daily walks, a great many times and transcribed the most relevant details (found below). I was so pleased to hear in the first chapter that the book was about M-Theory and it’s likely that if not for that detail, the system name would not be M-System’s

But there was a lot more that M-Theory, and in particular how to rate a good model or theory, which greatly influenced the work, and in addition the passage that mentions that by following the laws of nature we create an economically compressed mode. This gave president to following the laws of nature in economics.

Up until I read that passage, as is mentioned numerous times in my works, I had often written words to the effect that ‘it did not matter if some areas within S-Worlds M-Systems did not follow the actual physics as we were not creating a simulation of our universe, rather we were cherry picking the best mathematical principals and using them in our own model.’

This principle has now changed, to looking at all times to follow the laws of nature as is described within M Theory and associated works.

Also of great influence was the details on quantum mechanics and the Feynman sum over histories, which created a far more scientific version of M-System 14 Angel Cities.

As for POP, that has come on now as well as I came to appreciate the difference between Newtonian space and space time, via the principle that orbits are simply the nearest way for an object to move in a straight line in 3-dimensional space. And only last week I considerd a general relativity picture of POP.

For POP to be considered in general reality format, and for space time to be understood by the masses, we first need to start with a picture, or more to the point a software program that can be seen visually. We will stick to the cubed format as a standard view, in which each network of companies is seen in a POP cube and we will see cubes inside cubes inside cubes, going 9 or 10 level deep. In which a network will either be in POP (it is making its POP limit and contributing towards the creation of new network) or not, and we can switch views to show only companies that are or are not in POP. A very simple way to look at the weak points in a global economy.


However I now also have the plan for a general reactivity picture as well.

To make this picture most accurate I think we need to consider a 2-dimensional universe on the edge of a black whole. So, we can show the planet earth as the black hole and apply the general relativity only to the objects encoded upon it.

In which each business is a sun in a solar system, and orbiting the sun instead of planets there are the staff and orbiting the planets instead of moons we see the dependents of the staff.

The amount of money that each business generates effect the brightness of the sun, on a map of earth, each business will create its own bubble, its size relative to the income made by the business, and as we look at any location from a distance it will look similar to seeing a Galaxy from a distance as all one will see is the collective brightness of all that individual companies.

But as we zoom in, it will look more like the cappuccino foam as described by Dr Giovanni Amelino-Camelia. With many bubbles, which one can zoom into an analyse. This will become a base component of M-System 11QuESC, the Quantum Economic System Core, so named as people on mass provide the uncertainty and freedom to choose within a mass on line game, that sees their choices analysed and learned from and then output as directives.. repeat, repeat, repert…


Now that we can add this new map for POP in general electivity, that also covers staff and dependents, it’s become another unification.

There is no doubt in my mind that there is so much more, that can be added to this model, and indeed all models in M-Systems, however please consider.

If you were to give all the DAMPT students the PHD subject line… “M-Theory as an economic system.” You would likely get some great work back, however it’s unlikely that the work would have practical value. If it was that easy, someone would have done it already.

However, give the same group of students the same assignment but this time give them access to S-World M-Systems and a lot could be accomplished, far more that the foundation that I have supplied. And whist I have not mentioned in it this text, the recently added M-System 0, the GGW string, is also a very simple but can develop into a highly effective basis for such a system…

The simple description is that all companies will contribute half their profit to S-World, which will in turn use the money in the best interests of the network, our planet and its inheritance. (and note this was and still is the fundamental principle behind the entire network sine the outset)

The more complex update is that each company pays 25% of gross profit to S-World, and S-World is a string, (the GGW-String). Changing the shape of the string changes the way the money is spent, from the Susskind Boost, which uses all the money to boost the profit of the of the company that contributed it, to the Peet Tent that uses the money to create the equivalent of a string Feynman diagram to protect any company that is faring poorly. To the classic Give Half Back philanthropic, ecological, scientist, complexity saving and social special projects

I could go on and on, but I will leave with one final thought

In the begging, in 2011 theoretical physics seemed very important, and the idea was simply that once realised S-World could afford to spend a great deal on same, indeed if we look at the first economic model from Greece, we see the creation of a City of Science


Now, we have the same intention, plus I have created a usable foundation from which we can include the mathematics on M-Theory to assist is our mission to make a better world for our children.

In addition, my work opens up theoretical physics to everyone, as it has not been created by a physicist and has next to no equations, just variables to use in the software. But more over my work is spiritually inspired, and so has the potential for mass appeal and brings us back to the topic of this letter

“A Theory of everything should be so simple that everyone could understand it.”

Thanks you, I hope to see you in the New Year after I have completed the first summary version of M-Systems.

Kind Regards

Nick Ray Bay

The Sienna Foundation

Angel Theory pt.1

M-Systems V4.05

By Nick Ray Ball 16th April 2016


Angel Theory – ‘The Sienna Foundation’

A quality of gravity in string theory is its ability to transcend universes, the suggestion that one may communicate in this way gave ‘Angel Theory’ its name.

M-Systems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16

Influenced by Professors Leonard Susskind / Brian Green / Amanda Peet

Angel Theory – Inspired by Sienna Skye

A Digital Theory of Everything

Why Angel Theory?

Because in Super String Theory and M Theory there are many universes, and it is possible to communicate from universe to universe using high graviton bursts. If there were a race in another universe trying to communicate with us, it’s likely that they would be more advanced and could answer just about any question one could ask.

As such, to many on our earth at this time, they would be gods. And the individuals within that were sending us signals could be considered Angels.

We need to express from the start that Angel Theory is this is not String Theory. It is a combination of many areas of physics. We are not confined to using exact rules from this theory or that theory. We are building a digital economic system that is superior to current economics due to lessons learned from briefly studding theoretical physics.

We consider The Theory of Everything as how to unify gravity and the digital age (General Relativity vs. Quantum Mechanics). We found that principles of String Theory helped to explain how one would start looking for the answer. In particular the elasticity of string theory allowed for any quantum result fall within the math of General Relativity.

And so we made the Network of businesses capable of accepting any financial result. And in the process making the risk for any company that joins the network zero.

Taking a quote from Leonard Susskind

‘We boost the hell out of the system along the Z axis (Z can = Profit). Until every single particle (business) has a huge momentum

If there is any particle (business) that is going backwards, you just have not boosted it enough. Just boost it more until its going forward with a large momentum.’

And so we create a system that has reserves, and the ability to boost the bananas out of it. We have books of work and prototypes on how we would boost a system, and the system makes sure no individual business ever fails. We already have 151 reasons why our small network in Africa will improve. Within a year, we expect to have 250, and the resources to boost all network companies.

This is not the first time we have considered this principle. This is the micro network version, a version that we can use and are using with a collection of business that we are creating as a sting right now.
However, if we go back 4 years to the third American Butterfly Book we created in chapter 5 @Angel POP,’POP will be explained later. For now, we shall just say that it is a new branch of math we use called ‘Compatible Finite Math.’ Which does not completely remove rounding errors from computations but it goes a long way towards making a far more predictable system.

Angel POP was the growth of the network at an extreme macro level, greater than current GDP. Within this macro framework, due to POP the eventual state of any Marco Network (Resort Development) would be a success. And so, with networks planned all over the world as the final outcome was predetermined as a success, one could start a network in a poorer economy such as Malawi. And business would come as the eventual outcome would be a success. So, spreading the butterfly effect of prosperity across the globe, solving many philanthropic changes the word faces today. Hence the name Angel POP.

Angel Theory is an evolution of Angel POP and all the principles that we will discuss in this paper and all future discoveries that get added to the network design.


A digital Theory of Everything is the product of a 5-year project using principles from established and theoretical physics to create a more efficient and predictable global economy, which addresses many of the world’s philanthropic challenges and threats.

If one does not have an understanding of theoretical physics, we recommend watching the following documentaries by Professor Brian Green. In particular, for what is contained within this article we advise watching Quantum Leap and String and Super String Theory

In addition, or if only one has time for a quick introduction. We suggest the beginning few minutes of ‘A Theory of Everything’ by Garrett Lisi. The analogy between a coral and Quantum Mechanics presented by Garrett was the ‘Eureka’ moment that changed the direction of American Butterfly into a ‘physics first’ economic hypothesis.

Chapter Index

  1. Textbook Definition of The Theory of Everything.
  2. The Theory of Everything as an economy
    1. General Relativity / Gravity / Time and Space
    2. Quantum Mechanics / The Digital Age
  3. String Theory
    1. Supersymmetry
    2. Chaos Theory / Butterfly Effect / Compatible Finite Math / POP
  4. Villa Secrets Network
  5. The Theory of Every Business
  6. Quantum Economics
  7. The Network on a String
  8. Villa Secrets Network

Before we start a quick word to say it would be easier if American Butterfly Books 2 ‘Quantum Economics’ and 3 ‘The Network on a String’ were on line for people to reference.

For now, we have Book 1: The Theory of Every Business (2012) and the research website for the book (2011). And in addition we have research into the software for this the 5th Book S-World Network (2016). Which may well change its name to ‘A Digital Theory of Everything.’

1. The Textbook Definition of ‘The Theory of Everything’

If one Googles ‘The Theory of Everything’ one will find a film about Stephen Hawking. However, before this film was made, a search for ‘The Theory of Everything’ presented many pages and articles saying much the same thing. What follows is a simplified version of the Wikipedia definition.

The Theory of Everything, it is a theory that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe. 

Finding the ‘Theory of Everything’ is the Holy Grail of physics. At the beginning of the last century, two different theories came close. Einstein’s Theory of Gravity and Quantum Mechanics

The technical name for Einstein’s theory of Gravity is General Relativity, which explained the universe on a grand scale: planets, stars, galaxies.

Whereas Quantum Mechanics as about very small things, like atoms & electrons. Quantum Mechanics has united three of the four known forces:  strong, weak, and electromagnetic.

However, the fourth force, Einstein’s smooth and predictable theory of Gravity, does not unify with the jittery and unpredictable mathematics of Quantum Mechanics.


What it boils down to is this: The Theory of Everting will be solved if one can combine the 3 forces used in Quantum Mechanics with the fourth force of gravity.

Over the past few decades a set of theoretical mathematics called “String Theory” has emerged as a leading contender which will unite the forces and create a factual Theory of Every Business

End of insert

However, since the Large Hadron Collider was built in 2008, no evidence of String Theory has been found. And due to this, String Theory has lost much of its appeal over the last few years.

This is of no actual consequence to the mathematics and framework of the S-World network. The S-World framework is not an exact match to our universe. Instead it looks to cherry pick the mathematical genius of many fields within theoretic physics.

We are looking at the mathematics created by theoretical physicists and using/adapting it in business and economics, not searching to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

If String Theory is proved to be incorrect, it matters not. It is not only a Theory of Everything, it is also a highly evolved and economic set of mathematics. So, it is useful in both micro and macroeconomics if the parts in it that make it ‘far more economic’ can be emulated.

Also note that whilst the mathematics of the S-World Network does consider the principles of string theory as a key component, it also takes influence from many proven branches of physics: Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity & Thermodynamics. In addition is more influences from theoretical physics in Chaos Theory, the Butterfly Effect and Supersymmetry.

Lastly, since writing ‘Quantum Economics and ‘The Network on a String’ in 2012, we now also consider The Higgs Boson and Dark Energy.

The key thing we are looking at is how one can mimic the uncertainty of Quantum Mechanics with General Relativity within our network. This is to make it economically superior to any other network or economy.

Collectively we create a Digital Theory of Everything.

Why ‘Digital?’

This is for two reasons,

  1. The network was based around technology. It considers rewriting all that we have learned about economics over the last few thousand years, and starting again with a digital foundation.
  2. In the same way that ‘Gravity’ or ‘Time & Space’ are more familiar to most than ‘General Relativity.’ ‘Digital’ is an easier way to explain ‘Quantum Mechanics.’ Quantum Mechanics powers all that is digital. It does so by changing the orbits of electrons around atoms.

2. The Theory of Everything as an Economy

In this analogy, we consider the global economy as measured at $77 Trillion to be both gigantic and relatively predictable, and as such it has similar characteristics of Einstein’s Theory of Gravity (General Relativity).

In contrast we consider the individual people and businesses as having the properties or Quantum Mechanics. As each day many new individuals and businesses appear and disappear, in such a way that cannot be calculated or predicted.

2a General Relativity / Gravity / Time & Space

For this example, to be more accurate, we need to add Dark Energy to Gravity. As it is the Dark Energy that keeps the universe expanding.

So we have our standard Theory of Everything model, with the universe of General Relativity on one side and the tiny atoms and electrons of Quantum Mechanics on the other.
Both have been tested again and again. And with the exception of the Dark Energy making the universe expand, every experiment ever performed has proved both these theories correct.

But they don’t unify. So either one theory is incorrect or there is something else happening that we do not know.

Next we consider Gravity as Global GDP, (Gross Domestic Product) (The Global Economy) which in 2015 was in the region of USD $77 Trillion.

But first we must qualify, by associating Dark Energy with inflation and population growth. As such both the universe and the global economy are getting bigger.

Economists the world over can be relatively certain how much the world will collectively spend this year, next year, and the years that follow. If measured in ten year intervals over the last 100 years, we see a smooth line increasing over time.

2b, Quantum Mechanics

Now we need to consider the Quantum Mechanics. Which we see as the world’s individual people and businesses as having Quantum Mechanical qualities. Partially at smaller scales, individual people on average salaries or less and small business.

At the smallest of scales, an individual. There is no experiment that can be run that unifies the spending and fortune of any individual to the sum total of the global economy. There are so many factors of uncertainty…birth, death, a mother may retire from the workplace to raise her baby, a factory could close leaving thousands unemployed, one man can win the lottery and another could get sued for all he has.

In poorer countries there are more factors, from the rains not coming to finding oil or other resources.
You get the picture, there is a lot of uncertainty when trying to measure or predict the fortune of any individual. There is no way to mathematically reconcile or predict what any individual will do.

And yet, one can be relatively certain that in 2016 all individuals will collectively spend about $79 Trillion dollars.

In ‘The Theory of Every Businesses’ Chapter 8, (2012) from page 135 ‘Staff QE Scores’ we see a fledgling plan to better track the personal spending of individuals.

However, to find something that we can practically use right now to improve and plot the growth of S-World, we look at small to medium business, not individuals.

Small Business like individuals have the uncertainly factor which we associate with Quantum Mechanics. Small businesses are vulnerable to all sorts of challenges. Most recently the popularity of the internet has changed the way many businesses trade. Those that had good online presence did well. Those that did not suffered, as a host of new competitors were created where companies that were good at the internet made their own business in different niches.

Now with the internet as an integral part of most business design, the next race will be in software for the business. There is an awful lot of efficacy to be gained from software like our design called ‘The Divergent CRM

Which is an essential part of S-World and will assist companies to improve efficacy and increase profit. So, making companies more predictable and lessen the likelihood of any company failing.

However, The Divergent CRM cannot in itself guarantee a business success. And all the time there is a risk of failure, there is uncertainty unless there is a way to guarantee a business will succeed. And if so, there is no way to accurately unify it with the smooth and predictable behaviour we see when looking at all companies as a whole Global GDP.

3. String Theory

It is very important to note that we are not actually using the mathematics of string theory. We are looking for effects that could be mimicked within the S-World Network.

In 2012 within the 3rd part of the American Butterfly hypothesis ‘The Network on a String’ we presented a graphic inspired by two documentaries.

  1. Dr Amanda Peet: String Theory for the Scientifically Curious
  2. Leonard Susskind: Lecture 1, String Theory and M Theory (17 Mins)

Here is the graphic 1


What we see is a Feynman Diagram for point particles and strings. In the Standard model (on the left), in extreme conditions such as Black Holes point particles cannot be unified. Where as in string theory, the elasticity of the mathematics allows for all outcomes to fall within an acceptable range.

And so, we look to mimic this effect within the framework of the network. So, any companies’ financial result, even a negative value was still within an acceptable range.

Within ‘The Network on a String’ at a macro (big) level we found a good way to mimic this effect by adding a new mathematical rule, this time from Supersymmetry. Which when used in tandem with String Theory creates Super String Theory.

3b Supersymmetry

The rule in Supersymmetry is very simple. It is that for every particle, (or in the case of the S-World Network any business) has an equal and opposite particle. The lightest particle twins with the heaviest, the second lightest with the second heaviest and so on. When considered as a whole all the particles and their twins are either exactly the same or very similar.

3c POP (Pressure of profit) (Compatible Finite Mathematics)

POP is the founding mathematics of the S-World framework and American Butterfly hypothesis. It was created as a consideration of how to lessen the effects of Chaos Theory and in particular rounding errors in computations, making it impossible to create a perfectly recorded financial result.

The basic principle is very simple, we create the network mathematics as cubes, which has a profit limit. Once the limit is reached, profit is invested into creating a new network in another location. Then when the new network reaches its profit limit, it and the original network contribute to a third, and on and on. Eventually creating a tidal wave of POP Investment and a cash rich network.

Below we see an adaptation of the POP Investment Principle called Baby POP, which is a more relaxed version of POP. Which once created was the point where the blog and research site tuned into American and The Theory of Every Business. Note that the more networks are created it speeds up the creation of new networks. Networks are always made of 16 companies that when developed turn into 8 twins, the lightest and the heaviest.


To date we do not actually have the starting point of the currency of the network, but we think it needs to be a multiple of a plank length. The reason for this is that in case there is an universal economy, it would likely be pegged to something, and the plank length seems like the appropriate constant. However, how will this work in a multiverse model where the plank length could be different?

Initially we used the simple doubling of numbers as a way to create the POP actions: 2 > 4 > 8 > 16… However, a later adaptation used cubes which are created from multiples of 8 so: 8 > 64 > 512


Eventually leading to a global cube off 512 > 4096 > 32768 Networks


3d M⇔Bst > SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer’

In late 2012 from the heaviest matches the lightest principle in supersymmetry we created the ‘M⇔Bst > SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer.’ And applied it to estimates of the POP overflow of all the desired Florida Networks (see The Theory of Every Business) by 2036.


This result is difficult to predict with any degree of accuracy. From the 5th Network onwards until the final network, it’s a complete lottery. Any one network could excel, and whilst it’s unlikely any individual network could return a ZERO result.

Now let’s see what happens when we apply the Supersymmetry strongest twins with the weakest rule.


And hey presto, we create a far smoother and more predictable set of financial results. Even if a network made no contribution, it would still have created POP investment. And so be richer. Indeed, it could use the POP Investment from its heavier twin to first invest into its own sector, until it was in profit again.

It not completely the same as the string theory Feynman diagram where all possible results are acceptable. But it’s close.

A note on what may be described as ‘imposed socialism’ in a way this is, as the POP investment fund many philanthropic initiatives, as seen in ‘The Theory of Every Business’ Chapters 3: The Theory of a lot more than we know now and 8: S-World UCS (Page 151).

However, within the workings of POP the companies that contribute are rewarded to their satisfaction. And importantly, companies only contribute to POP when their S-World powered business makes about 4 times of what would be expected had the company not had assistance from S-World. We will present this point in great detail within the forthcoming ‘Network’ section of the Villa Secrets Business Blog.

To sum up in a sentence, recently the Villa Secrets prototype which was started in Early 2013 after 4th part to American Butterfly ‘The Butterfly’ was created around a SWOT analysis that said the weakest part of our plan was the lack of a porotype. So we created Cape Town Luxury, and it was successfully launched in March 2014. It has recently been valued by South Africans’ leading brokers at $212,000.

Our position is that if our first years’ work with less programmers it now worth $212,000, our 2016 work is worth far more. In addition to this, the software in the development que, which will cost us at least $3,000,000 to create, increases the value of what Villa Secrets is offering to over $1,000,000.

Currently we are staring to make a number of strings of Networks, 16 different companies in the same or similar industry all with unique marketing plans. A typical partnership would pay between $15,000 and $50,000 to join the network and would expect to make about $50,000 in profit in year one. Increasing after due to effects made from the network working collectively and improved software and marketing.

By the third year, we would expect the company to make at least $200,000 a year in profit. At which point, the POP Investment kicks in. POP Investment only applies to companies that have reached their initial profit target then increased it 4-fold, an effect that can only be created collectively.

This structure also increases the cooperation and profitability of each network string. As when the string is created, whoever is in the string gets a big say on the other companies that will be recruited. As the future POP profit has the Supersymmetry weakest vs strongest twin the profits rule. It is in the interest of all in the string to choose companies that will create the most profit made directly or indirectly.

We will discuss the ‘indict profit’ soon as a part the M⇔Bst

For now, we need to consider NET POP, which is the way we create A Theory of Everything. So, all results including negative results fall into an acceptable margin right from the start.

4 The Higgs Boson, Net POP and the A⇔Bst

The Baby POP investment principle only applies to companies that will do very well in the years to come. Which is only useful in the future?

We needed a new version of POP that mimicked the string theory Feynman diagram from the word go. That smoothens out and unified the individual companies from the word go.

So we created NET POP.

4a. S-World Non-profit Company Structure

NET POP is best described as franchising, similar to McDonalds. But instead of a McDonalds receiving a 4% or 5% share of turnover and then paying dividends, all the income to the franchise is used for development or marketing. The franchise is Non-profit.

Currently, this is not the legal position of Villa Secrets. As for a long time, it seemed that the best way to raise capital to create the non-profit S-World network was to gain investment in Villa Secrets. However, it is not looking more and more likely that Villa Secrets will raise enough money via its own merits. As such, the company structure we see below is the most likely company set up. With more industry sectors opening as non-profit S-World Companies over time.


Currently, the Charity ‘The Sienna Foundation’ is being prepared for UK registration. It will eventually look at many causes. Right now it is dedicating itself to ‘saving endangered animals,’ ‘buying and preserving forests,’ and the rather self-serving but important ‘research into the use of particle physics in macro and micro economic systems.’

4b. The Higgs Boson

Recently, since we have researched the Charity and non-profit models, we have considered the Higgs Boson
The Higgs Boson is a special particle first theorised in 1964 by Peter Higgs. This particle is unlike any other. It glides through space and time giving mass to all the other particles. We know from Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 that Energy is equal to the Mass of an object multiplied by ‘C2’ The Speed of light squared.

And so, if without Mass there is no energy, and as such, without the Higgs Boson there would be no energy. And without energy we would not exist. So it’s a very important particle, often described by physicists as ‘The God Particle.’

The Higgs Boson was originally considered within the Network due to a Google Charitable Initiative called ‘Google Grants’ that offer $10,000 a month in free ads to qualifying Nonprofits. At the time, we were working on Experience Africa. Which since the 4th part of American Butterfly ‘The Butterfly’ was destined to be a loss leader, and as such it developed into a Nonprofit company.

We can see the original idea here Experience, which has been explained here
(show Video)

Simple enough, we create Safari specialist companies and half the net profit was donated to appropriate charities.

In this model, if one added $10,000 in free Google Ads to each of 16 non-profits,’ all would do very well. And in this model the Google Ads take on similar behaviours to the Higgs Boson, giving the equivalent of mass to each company so it can make the equivalent of energy, money.

Note however, the main charitable initiative for experience Africa is the creation of a booking system that included The Divergent CRM and considerable marketing for Safaris in general. Which would take 12.5% from each boking and give it directly to charities. Should half or more of the Safari use the system, it would create enough income to property deal with the poachers.

Having been inspired by the Higgs Boson Analogy for Google, and encouraged by development that meant we would not need investment and so could make Villa Secrets non-profit. We consider that if Villa Secrets is non-profit and its main function is to make as much money as it can for development and marketing for the business it supports, then that would be the quickest way to make the system that was needed for Experience Africa.

And in addition to the 16 businesses in the first Villa Secrets Cape Town Network string could Villa Secrets as having the properties of The Higgs Boson. But with iteration ‘⇔’
Seeing the Higgs Boson feeding back.

We consider this at the conception of a new network string. As Villa Secrets first creates and then gives energy to new companies. Then continues to improve the profitability of the companies. We see this increase in profitability as the ‘M’ (mass) mass provided by the Higgs Boson. It’s not all there is to energy or profit. But without it, there would be no significant increases. Villa Secrets exists only to make better websites, software, system and provide powerful marketing for the companies within its network. Supplying the equivalent of mass to all it recruits.

4c Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect.

The founding physics of the network was considerations of Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect. This lead to considering a butterfly within one of many cubes, and the consideration that if one could measure the energy transfer from the individual flap of butterfly’s wing within its cube and the effects it had on all the other cubes one could work out ‘Does the flap of a butterfly’s’ wing within in Brazil, cause a tornado in Texas’

Below we see a graphic from book 3, The Network on a String (2012) that illustrates an individual cube.


It was this consideration that lead to both Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (Gravity) and Quantum Mechanics (Powers all that’s digital. As when we looked we found that often General Relativity was illustrated in a cubes framework. And the only way to actually count the energy fluctuations appeared to be Quantum Mechanics.

When we looked closer at Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect we came upon the Mandelbrot Set Fractal.


For more on the Mandelbrot Set Fractal see:

Next Chapter…

Network effects of A&B, and chosen partners
S-World ‘Lx.’ M⇔Bst Lisa Marie Schneider
S-World Virtual Network
Garrett Lisi and Quantum Economics Time Travel
Angel Pop