An Economic Theory of Everything – Summary & Index

Angel Theory – Paradigm Shift: Book 2. 

Backstory / Prequel – Summary & Index

An Economic Theory of Everything

By Nick Ray Ball Nov 2011 to Nov 2017

An Economic Theory of Everything

Below, we see the latest system architecture for the ‘E-TOE’ (An Economic Theory of Everything), which started in the summer of 2011 with an innocent thought and curiosity about the chaos theory conundrum of rounding errors, which emerged and metamorphosed into a full blown ‘Economic Theory of Everything’ when a solution called ‘POP’ entangled itself with string theory, then supersymmetry, then quantum mechanics, and most recently general relativity.

ETOE - Economic Theory of Everything

  1. 2.1 M-Theory and the E-TOE

    Introducing M-Theory, “The only candidate for a complete theory of our universe” simulated to create an Economic Theory of Everything (The E-TOE).

    Professor Stephen Hawking - M-Theory an Ecnomic Science - part 2

  2. 2.2 The Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings

    From the flap of a butterfly’s wings to the financial gravity of the network.

    An Economic Theory of Everything - part 2

  3. 2.3 The Network on a String

    How the String Theory Systems maintain the integrity of the financial gravity and create equality.

    The String Theory Systems


    M-System 3. The Susskind Boost

    Influenced by Professor Leonard Susskind

    M-System 4. The Peet Tent

    Influenced by Dr Amanda Peet

    M-Systems: An Economic Theory of Everything

    Influenced by Professors: Garret Lisi, Brian Cox, Brain Greene, Michael Green, Amanda Peet, James Gates, Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Leonard Susskind, Edward Witten, Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow, Cumrun Vafa, Andrew Strominger, Jeff Forshaw, Nima Arkani-Hamed & Thomas Piketty.

  4. 2.4 Super Coupling

    From String Coupling to Nuclear Fission come 1 Billion possible ways for S-World to create companies.


    “The notion that this is the smallest constituent is paradoxically not at odds with the statement that it may also be the whole universe.”


    “The notion that this is the smallest constituent is paradoxically not at odds with the statement that it may also be the whole economy.”


    M-System 9. Super Coupling

  5. 2.5 Quantum Time

    Eureka! UCS Voyager Economic Time Travel, Eureka 2: Angel Cities – Feynman’s Sum Over Histories ‘future way stations,’ from which we plot our future backwards starting at 2080.

    Quantum Time

  6. 2.6 Relative Equality

    Einstein’s theory of gravity simulated as a theory of equality as we grow those mountains and fill them valleys!

    Equality and Poverty Gap - Part 2

  7. 2.7 M-Theory an Economic Science?

    A few choice quotes from Professors Witten, Hawking, & Camelia that lead to the question: ‘M-Theory an Economic Science?’

    Professor Edward Witten

  8. 2.8 Relative Equality Part 2 ‘American Butterfly 2018’

    How M-Systems 3. The Susskind Boost, 4. The Peet Tent, & E-TOE Step 15 ‘Relativity’ insure US & Western investors against a future FIAT Currency Collapse.

    (This Chapter  is 50% complete)

    The Susskind Boost - Part 2

    The Peet Tent and Quantum Safe Forecasting

  9. 2.9 Conservation of Energy & ‘RES’

    From the law of conservation of energy comes ‘financial equivalence’ achieved by attaining a 100% ‘E’ (all money spent by one company, is spent with one or another S-World company or its personnel) and zero tax.

    Initially considered for  S-World UCS™ simulation 3: ‘Mars Resort 1,’ now considered for all Grand Networks in locations of abject poverty, as we create the S-World UCS™ MZ simulation for Malawi and Zimbabwe in Book 3. ‘The GDP Game.’

    (This Chapter  is 50% complete)

    S-World UCS

    RES - Equation - Financial Equivalence