System 2. The M&B String (M⇔Bst) & (Ast⇔Bst) (Super Summary)

System 2. The M&B String (M⇔Bst) & (Ast⇔Bst)

Influencers: Benoit B Mandelbrot – Monica Ball (mom) – Michael GreeneBrian Green
# Business / Networking / The Butterfly Effect / String Theory


The Graphic above is the closest rendering I could find to express how the Ast⇔Bst will display different complex points of iteration over time. But before the Ast⇔Bst came the M⇔Bst.
The M⇔Bst is my beautiful equation, originally written and presented to my mother in the summer of 2012. The M&B stands for Mother and Baby, the double arrow ‘⇔’ signifies the iteration (feedback loops) and circular events, and the ‘ST’ indicates an extended family. Whereby when the baby is born it is completely dependent on its mother, but as it grows the iteration can go each way and often at the end of the cycle the baby and extended family will look after the mother.

Before the M⇔Bst came the idea that one way to expend the network from travel and real estate into other industries was to create large ecologically safe resort developments, whereby each company that built, supplied or traded in the resort would need to be a part of the network and use its systems.

The M⇔Bst was inspired by a consideration of how such a grand network would use its profits to invest into new grand networks in different locations. In each case, each new network is initially dependent on investment of its parent, but soon after the new grand network starts to iterate with its mother. For instance, if a company in the parent resort had the contract to supply aluminium windows to its baby network it would be a significant contact, more so if extended to many developments. To see this in more detail one may look at chapter 2 ‘The Suppliers Butterfly’ in my first book, American Butterfly part 1 ‘The Theory of Every Business.’

In 2015 I had cause to change this theoretical pure math macro-economic equation into a real world micro-economic algorithm by adapting is to: Ast⇔Bst. In which ‘A’ is our real world opportunity CTLV, and company B is joined by companies C, D, E, F, G & H creating a set/string/cube of 8 companies. Where after the indirect and direct benefits of each company on each other within the set/cube/string is calculated. Here are the results A53⇔B57⇔C60⇔D42⇔E44⇔F62⇔G61⇔H63
Which tells us that 53 points of improvement for company ‘A’ are created from the rest of the companies in the string.

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